QB Canada has been developed to help produce the next Great Canadian QB. How many times have we heard that the Canadian cannot play this position in the CFL? Myself, numerous times and to be honest I am tired of it.

QB Canada is in search of high quality high character ALPHA Dawgs or what we say “DAWGMODE QB’S” who strive to be a great quarterback and LEADER.

What makes a DAWGMODE QB? The definition of an Alpha Dawg/ DAWGMODE QB:

“Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet. When the term alpha dog is used, it refers to the dominant dog, in a pack setting, that is first and most important.” One of the ways a DAWGMODE QB can be spotted is through the way he carries himself. He has an air of confidence and superiority. The DAWGMODE QB holds his chest and head up and he does not fear looking other dogs in the eye. DAWGMODE QB’s walk around like "they own the place” Qb Canada Dawgs are trusted and have this ability to have their fellow teammates follow and BELIEVE in them!

At QB Canada we are looking to train DAWGMODE QB’s

Its easy to be average but we at QB CANADA want you to be great. Strive to be great…